Providing Proven Strategies for Businesses to Succeed

Founded in 2015, we help our clients identify customer needs, understand the competition, and discover new opportunities through measurable and qualitative research.

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Pangaea Group takes pride in our clients names and we ensure you are a household name…for a good reason.

We only work with small, medium, large business clients and we want to maintain the exceptional reputation that we bring you.

You're in Good Hands With Us
Our solutions will give you the peace of mind you deserve.
We Come with Many Years of Experience
We have over 10 years of experience to help you succeed.
Our Client Base is Growing
We've helped over 150 clients. We'd be happy to help you!


Click each tab below for a brief description of how we assist small businesses
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure." — Colin Powell

Pangaea Group offers custom-made strategic market research and competitive intelligence. We strive for true partnership with our clients. Founded in 2015, we help our clients identify customer needs, understand the competition, and discover new opportunities through measurable and qualitative research.

“Good strategy works by focusing energy and resources on one, or a very few, pivotal objectives whose accomplishment will lead to a cascade of favorable outcomes.”
– Richard Rumelt

Startups have a complex job ahead of them. After the legal business structure is in place, business owners have to manage a range of areas to succeed. Pangaea Group services help with these areas. They provide the often much-needed support to entrepreneurs, Startup firms, and partners.

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” - Zig Ziglar

Here at Pangaea Group, LLC, we hold ourselves to a high standard. We believe in helping small businesses achieve its full potential, and we are proud to be able to help them on their journey. We provide marketing consulting for companies across the globe small, medium, or large.

We Understand Each Business Will Have Their Own Needs

...And we're excited to help! We enjoy helping various businesses get started on their journey and not only reach their potential, but exceed it! We've helped many of the following business types:

Small Startup Businesses
We love hearing our clients stories as to why they're starting.
Midsize and Expanding Businesses
We're very excited that your business is transitioning to the next level! We're happy to make sure you're well positioned.
Larger Businesses
We have a number of solutions to help your business scale and sustain your growth.

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We proudly serve the city of Pittsburgh in person, but can serve anyone nationwide virtually!

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