We are professionals who believe in the power of putting companies in the right position to succeed

Startup Business Consultants

Startups have a complex job ahead of them. After the legal business structure is in place, business owners have to manage a range of areas to succeed. Pangaea Group services help with these areas. They provide the often much-needed support to entrepreneurs, Startup firms, and partners.

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Legal Business Formation

Clients have to form a legal structure for their business. Get advice on options such as sole proprietor, corporation, LLC, and the pros and cons of it. We also help with other accounts such as banking. Business Structure Development Startups have to execute multiple items simultaneous. We can help assisting clients execute major critical steps in the early stages of the business.

How Should Your Business Be Formed?
We assist in ensuring you're set up the right way for the long haul.
We've Helped you Form Your Business? What About Banking?
Each business is different in ways that having the right banking relationship can position themselves for growth. We'll make sure you're well positioned.
What About the Rest?
Need assistance to help your business grow through avenues such as marketing/branding? We can assist with that as well! We will ensure your essentials are executed, such as making sure you have a website for your business and other important elements you'll need.

Corporate compliance

Corporate compliance is the way that a company ensures thatit is following all the laws and regulations that apply to their business. Thisgenerally involves the design, implementation, and monitoring of policies,trainings, procedures and practices. and more!

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Strategic Planning

We provide you with experienced insight and collectivewisdom to create a customized plan that will transform your practice into asustainable business or recast your strategic direction. Our detailed strategicplan is based on your firm’s growth goals and serves as the blueprint forbuilding its future. The comprehensive plan delineates a clear and detailedpath for growth

Join 150 companies around the world that have trusted us provide their business with the best path to success.

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